Love to receive some love :)

It’s Monday. I’m not scheduled to write anything but this ain’t a blog post but a request post.

The Wealthy Pinay has been here for a year now. You might have been following since the beginning or just stumbled on it just recently. Whatever the case, I hope you find it useful, inspiring and encouraging.

You may or may not notice (but for sure I mentioned this a few times) that my productivity seems to have a cycle. I’m on fire for a good 3 months (super productive, oozing with positivity and ideas) and then down for the next two (procrastination, self-doubt). I’ve been better identifying my money blocks and trigger points and learned how to quickly recover from slight depression, but still, I’m not immune to it.

And I’m telling you this because I know some of you might be going through something and wish, “If only I’m more _____, then I can be ___.” You might have several excuses on why you can’t achieve something or do something because of one (or two) things preventing you to achieve it.

But the fact is there’s really no reason. The excuse we have identified is basically just it – an excuse. 

And this is what I keep on telling myself whenever I’m down. That the ‘bad thoughts’ inside my head are just my excuses. They are not real, or if they are real then I have the control to change it. And this positive affirmation helps me every time.

One of the things that triggers my self-doubt is the thought that no one really cares. I’m giving business tips, creating motivational videos, finishing a book, trying to help Pinays on their financial journey but my money block is screaming, “No one gives a damn care!”

You might be selling a product or service, you might be a blogger sharing your best finds, you might be an artist sharing your best work – yet after pouring your heart and soul into it, there’s very little response or none at all. And it’s disheartening. That’s also one of the reasons why I created this community. Pinays supporting fellow Pinays. Being each other’s cheerleader. We’re not here to compete but to help each other grow. We want financial independence not only to be fashionable or feel good, but also to reach out and help more people.

I have lots of plan next year and I need your help to shape it up. Can you answer these few questions and let me know your thoughts. Your reply is super valuable to me and I would truly appreciate.

Here’s the link –> Questions here, I need help!

Lots of love





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