Hello there

It’s been a while since I posted something on any of my blogs or social media platforms.
Have I done it intentionally? Maybe.
Am I losing interest? I don’t think so because I have this nagging feeling that I should write.

Then why the silence?

It all started when my daughter got hospitalized in February and then I got sick and then had to travel. My work schedule became so busy that I’m just dead tired as soon as I reach home. And I value sleep too much that I can’t compromise.

I know I shouldn’t blame it for being busy because no matter how hectic your schedule is you will definitely find time on things that you really value. Obviously, I value ‘me time’ than ‘blogging’.

But The Wealthy Pinay is not only a hobby for me. I consider this as a business. And that’s when it becomes more complicated. The recent UAE rules requires social media influencers/bloggers who get paid money to get a license from UAE authorities. This is a tricky situation for me because first, I don’t really get paid. Second, even if I want to go full blast, the earnings I will gain will be nothing compared to the cost of paying a UAE trade license.

I am paid in Philippine Peso, my clients are not really based in UAE and the rule is blurry. This made me decide to discontinue the ‘business’ side of The Wealthy Pinay but that shouldn’t stop me from blogging. I am back from Sydney after 2 glorious (and expensive) weeks and I am ready to press the restart button.

Blue Mountains

I will be repatriating to Philippines next year and the plan is to register the business, get all the permits, pay the tax and just aim for the stars! But for now, I promise to stop being lazy and give all my readers (you!) the inspiration / encouragement you deserve.

And this is one thing that I want to share with you. I consider myself as a very positive and determined individual. I always see the bright side of things. For me everything is an opportunity rather than a discouragement. But no matter how positive I am in life, I am still experiencing bouts of loneliness / depression / confusion / doubt / fear / laziness (insert other negative feelings here…).

For one, I am still human. Secondly, it’s normal to feel negative from time to time.


We all need to snap out from it. We should learn to determine when it’s already affecting our dreams and do something about it. Never wallow from that phase in your life. This is when reading self-help books and blogs and talking to a positive person helps.

For me, what works is reminding myself of my WHY.
Although of course I just didn’t wake up today feeling energized and ready to take action.
As I said, it took weeks (even months) of having this deliberation with myself.

“Do I really want to continue blogging?” And myself answered a big YES!
“But why are you not going out there?” Then there was silence.
This is when journaling helps me. I wrote down my fears. I am asking God for guidance.
I just write down all my feelings on my journal.

And now you are reading this.

I’m starting to feel again the fire inside my heart. And I am determined to fuel it by passion.
I have to remind myself everyday of the big plan and pick up where I left off.
If you are on the same stage as me, feeling lost or losing interest. If you are feeling down that nothing goes right, just hold on. Let’s not focus on the rut but rather plan on how we should get out of it.

You can do this! Let’s do it!




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